1. Gigi - Nakal
2. Gigi - 11 Januari
3. Gigi - 3 Kagum
4. Gigi - Matikan Cintaku
5. Gigi - Cinta Palsu
6. Gigi - Untukmu
7. Gigi - Tuk Rasa..Tuk Cinta
8. Gigi - Romansa Yang Hilang
9. Gigi - Percayalah
10.Gigi - Kembalilah Kasih
GIGI - Peace, Love 'N Respect
Diposting oleh
11/20/2007 05:47:00 PM
Irfanview v4.10 + All Plugins
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
IrfanView is trying to create new and/or interesting features in its own way, unlike some other graphic viewers, whose whole “creativity” is based on feature cloning, stealing of ideas and whole dialogs from ACDSee and/or IrfanView! (for example: XnView has been stealing/cloning features and whole dialogs from IrfanView, for 7+ years).
IrfanView was the first Windows graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple (animated) GIF support.
One of the first graphic viewers WORLDWIDE with Multipage TIF support.
The first graphic viewer WORLDWIDE with Multiple ICO support.
Diposting oleh
11/20/2007 02:16:00 PM
Advanced Image Resizer is an all-in-one batch image converter and resizer. It allows you to convert images between the most popular formats, resize image in 8 ways with 12 resizing filters, add text captions and image watermarks on the image, and
generate web image gallery easily and quickly.
Diposting oleh
11/20/2007 01:56:00 PM
Discover ACDSee Pro 2 Photo Manager, the most powerful software platform for viewing, processing, editing, organizing and publishing your photos.
- Windows Vistaâ„¢ Certified.
- Faster viewing with Quick View mode.
- Easier photo fixes with One-click red-eye reduction.
- Bring your photos back to life with the Shadow/Highlight tool.
- Lock up your special photos with Private folders.
- Organize your collection with Calendar Events View.
- Save time and effort with Auto Categories.
- Show photos right on your desktop with ACDSee Showroom.
- Make home printing a breeze with Print Layouts.
- Organize on the fly with Group By.
- Sort photos like a pro with Filter By.
- Quickly navigate and display photos with Table of Contents
Now you can Manage your photographs effortlessly…

Diposting oleh
11/19/2007 03:57:00 PM
Password Protect USB is a software program designed to protect an unlimited number
of folders with your personal passwords.
You can set a password on any folder
containing your sensitive data. Install the program on your removable drive and protect/unprotect
folders at any computers your drive is connected to. The program supports
Windows XP, 98, 2000, NT, ME, Vista. Download Password Protect USB now.
Diposting oleh
11/19/2007 03:04:00 PM
iTunes for Windows 7.42

iTunes lets you create your own personal digital music library, allowing you to manage and play your music collection with drag-and-drop simplicity. iTunes, the software part of the equation that lets you pack 7,500 songs in your pocket, automatically synchronizes with the sensational new iPod at high speeds over FireWire. iTunes gives you the ability to generate dynamic Smart Playlists that reflect your preferences and listening habits. With iTunes its easy to create CDs that play back on in your car, your home stereo, Macs and on Windows-based PCs. iTunes 4 adds the ability to share music among your Macs, play and encode AAC files, and view album art.

Diposting oleh
11/14/2007 07:19:00 PM
WinRAR is a 32-bit Windows version of RAR Archiver, an archiver and archive manager. RAR files can usually compress content by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files can. WinRAR's main features include strong general and multimedia compression, the ability to process non-RAR archive formats, ZIP compression and decompression, support for long filenames, programmable self-extracting archives (SFX), repair of damaged archives, authenticity verification, embedded file comments, and encryption. Unicode is supported in archive filenames, allowing non-English filenames to be handled painlessly. You can manipulate the parameters of many archives at once and view a volume sequence as a single archive. WinRAR can convert other archive formats to RAR and search for specified text and files in archives.
Diposting oleh
11/09/2007 02:32:00 PM
Daemon Pro v4.10.0218 + Crack
DAEMON Tool Pro adalah program yang memboleh kan kita membuat virtual Drives atau membuat program baku yang kebanyakan ber extension .iso seperti Game PC,karna sebenarnya program ini membutuhkan CD untuk menjalankannnya.
Nah dengan Program ini anda bisa menjalankan program yang membutuhkan CD menjadi tanpa membutuhkan CD, atau anda males keluar rumah untuk beli CD, dengan DAEMON anda bisa menjadikan virtual drive.
Dan jangan khawatir program yang ada di blog ini semua nya GRATIS, karna di dalam file ini sudah disertai cracknya.
Diposting oleh
11/08/2007 03:58:00 PM
1 komentar
Total Video Converter 3.10
Total Video Converter 3.10 adalah salah satu software converter terbaik pada tahun ini, karna pengoperasiannya yang bisa di bilang sangat lah mudah hanya dengan satu 'Click' maka program mengkonvert secara otomatis, seperti misalnya menkonvert Mp3 ke Wav atau sebaliknya yang biasa di buat untuk Ringtone hp (seperti saya salah satunya :D ) , atau flv ke avi atu mpeg,dan masih banyak lagi, jadi jangan takut mendownload video di youtube dengan format .flv, dengan program ini anda dapat merubahnya ke avi atau mpeg, software ini sebenarnya tidak di berikan secara gratis alias shareware (berbayar) tapi karena kebanyakan kita ingin mendapatkan secara gratisan (termasuk saya sendiri He...3x), maka saya sertakan Number serial, eh kebalik ya maksudnya Serial number :D (Crack) nya di dalam file yang bisa anda download dengan menekan icon "download" di keterangan bawah ini, selamat mencoba. BERBAGI ITU INDAH.

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11/04/2007 10:34:00 PM
FlashGet is specifically designed to address two of the biggest problems when downloading files: Speed and management of downloaded files. If you've ever waited forever for your files to download from a slow connection, or been cut off mid-way through a download or just can't keep track of your ever-growing downloads then it is for you. It can split downloaded files into sections, downloading each section simultaneously, for an increase in downloading speed from 100% to 500%. This, coupled with its powerful and easy-to-use management features, helps you take control of your downloads like never before.
Diposting oleh
11/04/2007 08:13:00 PM
Spider Player 2.1

Spider is a free feature-rich audio player for Windows based on "Bass audio library" from Un4seen with Unicode support, powerful tag editors for different file types, music ripping support, CD-text support, CD extractor, simple song lyrics editor, internet streaming, skins support, support for different interface languages and more.

Diposting oleh
11/02/2007 06:19:00 PM
Convert .Doc to .Pdf
Convert Doc to PDF For Word is the fast, affordable way to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create PDF files by simply click the "Save as PDF" button from MS Word, creating documents which can be viewed on any computer with a PDF viewer. Convert Doc to PDF For Word supports Font embedding, resolution, compression and multi-language. And Convert DOC to PDF For Word does not need any software such as adobe acrobat.
Dengan fitur ini anda dapat merubah file ber extension .doc menjadi .pdf dengan cara mudah dan cepat.
Enjoy it...
Diposting oleh
11/02/2007 12:47:00 AM
BitDefender Total Security 2008 Build 11.0.13

BitDefender Total Security 2008 provides the ultimate proactive protection for your PCs. It combines state of the art protection against viruses, spyware, hackers, spam and other Internet security threats. Moreover, its system maintenance and PC backup tools keep your PC running fast and protected from data loss.
Real-time Antivirus Protection
Protects your PC in real time from known viruses, spyware and other malware with hourly updates
BitDefender 2008 is compatible with Windows 2000 (with service pack 4), Windows XP (with service pack 2) and Windows Vista and supports Microsoft Outlook 2000, 2003, and 2007, Outlook Express, Windows Mail, and supports Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 and 2.0.

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11/01/2007 11:47:00 PM
1 komentar
JAP 00.08.063
Software ini menyediakan fasilitas surfing website anonymous pada browser apapun dengan layanan proxy yang terintegrasi sehingga tidak dapat di awasi, tidak satupun server ataupun observer yang berasal dari Internet dapat mengetahui user mana saja yang telah mengunjungi halaman website tersebut.
Layanan ini menggunakan sebuah proxy mix cascade yang efektif menyembunyikan identitas dari user, setelah menginstal JAP, anda perlu mengkonfigurasikan browser anda untuk mengetahui lokal server (lihat instruksi yang disertakan) untuk browsing internet.

Diposting oleh
10/31/2007 06:44:00 PM
You Tube Downloader
YouTube Downloader is a free tool that downloads videos from youtube.
YouTube Downloader allows you to easily grab and save desired youtube video to your local computer. Simply paste the URL of a video into the program, press Start, and the AVI file will be downloaded into the selected folder.
You dont need any players to play flash video just play it on the default media player clasic.
YouTube Downloader is a completly FREE Software. It contains absolutely NO ADWARE, NO SPYWARE, NO REGISTRATION, NO POPUPS, NO MALWARE or other unwanted software.
* Easy to use
* Save youtube video as AVI file
* Save youtube video as MPEG file
Program Buat Download di situs http://youtube.com
Diposting oleh
10/29/2007 11:23:00 PM
Tune Up Utilities 2007 + Serial

TuneUp Utilities 2007 optimizes the performance of your computer.With TuneUp Utilities 2007, your system will be faster, more comfortable and more secure. All important aspects of system configuration, security, cleanup and maintenance can be accessed through a modern graphical interface.
Membersihkan file tidak penting (junk) dan mengoptimizekan kinerji PC

Diposting oleh
10/29/2007 06:25:00 PM
Kaspersky Anti Virus v7.0.0.125 NEW + Keys
Kaspersky® Anti-Virus 7.0 provides you with traditional anti-virus protection based on the latest protection technologies. You can work, communicate, surf the internet and play online games on your computer safely and easily.
Detail Specifications
- Three protection technologies against new and unknown threats:
~ Hourly automated database updates
~ Preliminary behavior analysis
~ On-going behavior analysis
- Protection from viruses, Trojans and worms
- Protection from spyware and adware
- Real-time scanning for email, Internet traffic and files
- Protection from viruses when using ICQ and other IM clients
- Protection from all types of keyloggers
- Detection of all types of rootkits
- Automatic database updates
- Rollback of unwanted changes on your computer
- Self-defense of the antivirus program from being disabled or stopped
- Tools for creating a Rescue Disk , Windows 2000/XP: 128 MB of RAM
- Windows Vista: 512 MB of RAM
Diposting oleh
10/29/2007 01:10:00 PM

The 2008 edition of VirusScan Plus integrates antivirus, firewall and anti-spyware capabilities and contains (amongst others) the following features:
On-access file scanning
Inbound and outbound firewall protection
Spyware protection
Daily definition updates (except the weekend)
Daily pop-up reminders, appearing at random intervals, even over full screen applications and video games. This feature cannot be disabled.
McAfee X-Ray rootkit detection
McAfee SiteAdvisor - displays a safety rating for websites based on tests for evidence of spam, malware and phishing
McAfee SystemGuards - monitors the computer for actvity that may be caused by virus infection or hacker activity
VirusScan Plus 2008 is compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista only.

Diposting oleh
10/27/2007 12:21:00 PM
Internet Download Manager 5.11 Build
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10/27/2007 01:46:00 AM
Meskipun diatas tangisan dan rintihan hatimu sekalipun.
Tetap berpikir positif.
Berusaha semampu kita, mencoba ikhlas, sabar, kuat dan tetap tegar berdiri.
Yakini dirimu seyakin-yakinnya bahwa semua akan berubah menjadi lebih baik.
Kehidupan adalah sebuah perjalanan panjang,tapi ketahuilah bahwa Hidup adalah awal dari kematian.Maka dari itu Hidup haruslah optimis,karena kita tidak tahu kapan kehidupan ini akan berakhir. Dan ingatlah satu kata SEMANGAT.
Kamu mungkin akan melupakan orang yang tertawa denganmu, tetapi tidak mungkin melupakan orang yang pernah menangis denganmu.
Orang-orang berkata, jika ada yang dapat memahami dirinya sendiri, ia akan dapat memahami semua orang. jika ada yang mencintai orang lain, ia dapat mempelajari sesuatu tentang dirinya sendiri.
Cinta Sejati adalah perasaan terdalam yang hanya mungkin dirasakan hanya pada satu orang saja seumur hidup kita. Alangkah sakitnya bila Cinta Sejati kita tega mengkhianati kita, membiarkan kita terpuruk dan meninggalkan kita dalam kesedihan dan kehancuran. Tapi itulah manusia terkadang manusia tega membunuh cinta sejatinya demi kebahagiaannya sendiri. Tidak semua Cinta sejati mau berkorban demi kebahagiaan kita…
Manusia dengan beribu sifat dan wajah iblisnya, dan mungkin salah satu dari mereka adalah Cinta Sejatimu
Di dunia ini Cinta bukanlah segalanya, jangan terlalu percaya dan mengagungkan Cinta diatas segalanya. Karena mungkin suatu saat nanti Cinta Sejatimulahlah penghancur kehidupanmu
Diposting oleh
9/05/2007 08:58:00 PM
1 komentar
Gw Orang yang bodoh
Gw emang bodoh, gw baru saja terbangun dari tidur panjang dan gw baru merasa betapa berarti nya hidup ini, tak tau apa yang harus gw lakukan, apa yang harus gw harapkan, semua telah sirna, semua telah hilang dalam perjalanan masa.
kamu memang sungguh berarti dalam kehidupanku, sebisa mungkin melupakan mu, semakin dekat bayang nafasmu,
gw sadar, gw g pantas untuk di kasihani, gw g pantas untuk di kasihi, gw percaya ini jalan yang terbaik buat gw, gw yakin dan mudah-mudahan keputusan ini adalah benar.....
tapi...., gw juga manusia yang gak bisa tinggal diam, gw berharap bisa menutup kesalahan-kesalahan gw yang lalu, dan gw akan memanfaatkan kesempatan gw yang ada........
Diposting oleh
8/30/2007 05:36:00 AM
Hidup penuh dengan rintangan dah cobaan, jadi hadapi semua rintangan itu dengan seluruh kemampuan mu
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7/04/2007 12:39:00 AM